
What can we do improve in our environment?

1. Tateishi Tomo
 He insisted that we should increas using plastic shopping bag and disposable wooden chopstick.
Because these are made in garbage.
Strong point : He took the eye contact

2. Nomiya Taketo
 He presented that reduce use of air condtionar fan.
Because reduce use of air conditonar fan reduce CO2 and Lead to the prevention of global warming
Strong point : He used many pictures

3. Inoue Tsubasa
He presented green curtein, solar panel and watering around the builgings.
He told each good point and bad point.
Strong point : He spoke without looking at the paper almost

4. Fukushima Rei
She presented green curtein, eaves, sprinkle with water,jet of water and double entry doors.
She gave many examples.
Strong point : She used many pictures

5. I
I presented opening windows and eaves and LED.

6. Sakamoto Akihiko
He presented 3R and benefit of using an electlic night.
He gave many example when questioned.
Strong point : He was able to answer variety of questions

7. Miyagawa Kazuya
He mistook this presentation's theme.
But he told about environment problems.
Strong point : He was able to answer even when questioned suddenly

5 件のコメント:

  1. I want you to speak loud voice more.

  2. I want you to speak more expressive.

  3. If you improve speeking voice, your presentation is good.

  4. I think you should speak more loudly to make a better speech.
